Here at Recipe For Results, a meal prep company in Essex, we create meal prep packages to suit everyone and one of the most commonly asked questions is, why don’t we offer meal prep 7 days a week? We decided it would be easier to answer this question simply by explaining the many benefits of weekday meal prep and that oh so welcome, day (or two) of rest. Here’s a breakdown of some of our favourite reasons for our 5 day healthy meal prep packages:

1. Save Time With Professional Meal Prep
There’s nothing quite so soul destroying as spending the remainder of your free time at the weekend, before you have to return to the shackles of your nine to five, meal prepping. It’s time consuming and hard work, especially when you need to work out all of your macros for the week and more. Simply tell our meal prep team in Essex what you want, what you need and it’ll all be done for you. That’s a solid two hours or more you get to spend with your loved ones or better yet, hitting the gym working toward your goals.
Save Money With Our Weekday Meal Prep
By opting for a five-day meal prep service as opposed to a six day meal prep service, you automatically save money. That’s one less day a week you need to have catered for you which amounts to anywhere from £10 to £30 a week when comparing to our Fully Committed 6 day meal prep plan.
Relax At The Weekend
While meal prep makes life a whole lot easier, there’s still no escaping the fact that sticking to a clean eating regime is still tough. By opting for a five day plan however, you still give yourself two days at the weekend to relax – a little. Let us emphasise the word “little” here. Too many great nutrition plans have been ruined by huge cheat days, so relax a little with a cheat meal.
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The Two Types Of Weekday Packages:
- Fully Committed – our fully committed is a slight step up to a 5 day plan and once again offers 3 meals and 2 snacks per day, carefully prepared with the correct amount of macronutrients. As the name suggests, this is for those who want a little more commitment and a stricter plan. This plan is £130 per week.
- Big And Bulky – as the name suggests, our Big and Bulky plan does as it says on the tin. It provides larger meals for the bulker, with six meals instead of the normal three & two. It offers high protein, high carbs and all of the other nutrients you may need to build muscle fast. This plan is £165 a week.
Our Other Meal Prep Options Available At RFR:
- The 9 – 5 No Snacks – for just £110 per week, you can enjoy 3 carefully prepared, healthy meals a day, five days a week. This option is ideal for those on a budget. As mentioned above, five day meal plans, or weekday meal prep packages are perfect for allowing you a little room for error on the weekend but still allow you to achieve amazing results
- Working 9 Til 5 – this is our second five day meal prep option in Essex. The working 9 Til 5 option however, offers 5 meals a day. Each meal has been carefully created for the correct amount of macronutrients (protein, carbs and fats) in order to build or maintain your lean muscle and burn fat. This package is specific to you and your requirements.