Vegetables are nature’s biggest gift to us all, providing us with a super tasty way to stay healthy, stay energised and decrease our risk of certain diseases. That being said, unless you’re a fan of vegetables, it can be a struggle ensuring you eat enough. Without even realising, the vast majority of us never hit our recommended daily allowance.
With that being said, whether we’re getting the minimum required amount or not, we all know vegetables are good for us, which is why we created this piece to help you boost your veg intake through meal prep.
If you’re looking for the ultimate top tips in healthy meal prep, guaranteed to up your vegetable intake, then take a peek at our suggestions below.
Healthy Meal Prep - Don't Scrimp On The Veg
Mix Vegetables In With Your Rice – this is a great tip for those who aren’t huge vegetable fans or for those looking to reduce their carbohydrates.
Vegetable rice is the perfect mix, offering some fantastic flavours with the helping hand of one of our favourite carbs, rice. You can even throw in a few spices to add some sensational flavours.
Add Vegetables Into Pasta Sauce – when it comes to carbs, whole-wheat pasta is another firm favourite, especially when paired with a tomato based sauce.
It’s in the sauce however, where the magic happens. Chop up your vegetables small, and add them in with ease. Whether you add carrots, celery or more, it’s easily done and barely detectable.
Add Veggies To Ground Meat – whether you chop up vegetables and mix them in with your chilli con carne, bolognese or meat patties, it’s entirely up to you.
Mixing in vegetables with your meat dishes however, is another fantastic way to boost your veg intake, more often than not without you even being able to taste it.
Make Vegetable Dips/Spreads – while things like mustard and mayo taste great, vegetables can be the perfect alternative.
Think avocado spread, homemade spinach as well as tomato heavy salsas. Doing this not only ups your vegetable intake with ease but also gives you an incredible injection of flavour too.
Incorporate Vegetables In Juices/Smoothies – this is a particularly great tip for those who are looking to meal prep for weight loss. From big leafy greens like spinach to sweet potato and even Brussels sprouts.
Whether you like the flavours of these incredible nutritious vegetables or not, there are so many ways to incorporate them into juices and smoothies with the help of other more, disguising flavours such as lemon, apple and more.
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You can benefit from expert nutritional knowledge as well as save time and energy on preparing your food. Our healthy meal prep service is what you need. If you are looking to better your health and unlock a new you, get in touch with us today.